Statuses invoices

The processing of invoices involves various statuses that indicate the progress of each invoice through the system. Financial staff may encounter these statuses while processing purchase invoices. Below are the statuses we use.

DraftThe invoice has been manually added in Easy1.
Attention requiredInvoices that do not meet the required criteria. For example, due to missing information, incorrectly recognized data, or an invoice that is already known within the administration.
Prebooking startedThe preregistration has started but is not yet completed. In the background, Easy1 processes the registration into the financial package.
Prebooking successfullyThese invoices are ready for approval and final booking.
Prebooking failedErrors have occurred, the invoice requires attention.
Manual processing The invoice cannot be fully processed automatically. Examples include: cost invoices where booking lines are missing or no approval action has been found.
Manual matching 

The invoice cannot be matched automatically.

Possible reasons:

  • Receipt not available
  • Price discrepancy
  • Quantity discrepancy
  • Unexpected costs are being charged
  • Purchase order cannot be found
  • Receipt date differs from payment plan
  • Invoice amount differs from payment plan

The employee resolves this manually.

Wating for goods receival The receipts have not yet been reported. Check if the receipts have arrived in the meantime.
MatchedInvoices that have been successfully matched to a purchase order and receipt or a payment plan.
Waiting for approvalThe invoice is with the budget holder(s) for approval.
Approval rejectedThe invoice has been rejected by the budget holder. Action is required from finance for correction or cancellation of the invoice.
Authorized for payment Invoices have been approved by all budget holders and are ready for final booking in the financial package.
Booking in progressThe invoice has been booked and is ready to be paid from the financial package.
Booked succesfullyDe factuur is geboekt en is klaar om betaald te worden vanuit het financieel pakket. 
Boeking failedErrors occurred during the booking process.
PaidThe invoice has been paid from the financial package.
CancelledInvoices that have been canceled are no longer in the process.