Release notes februari 2024



  • Fixed allowances in foreign currencies  🌟 From Enterprise
  • Adding attachments to an expense 🌟 From Premium
  • 4CEE Connect App
    > Adding attachments to an expense 
    > Space optimization - Hiding the tabbar for rejected expense reports if there are no rejected expense reports.
    > Supporting HEIC file types
    > Ability to delete expenses and bundles from the expense overview
    > Entered data is no longer overwritten by data extracted from the image (scan & recognize software)
    > Dynamically visible buttons in the navigation bar based on attachments, receipt, and expense status

Contract management

  • Easily search contracts based on Chamber of Commerce (KvK) and supplier code
  • Added contract party adress information with a link to Google Maps 

Invoice processing

  • Pdf-service (scan & recognize) feedback visual
  • Pdf-service (scan & recognize) model set per administration:
    A specific learning model based on your suppliers.
    The more invoices processed, the better the model learns.
  • Automatically match one invoice with multiple orders
    If there are discrepancies, all order lines are pre-linked to the invoice so only discrepancies need to be manually adjusted.
  • View the completed approval flow retrospecitvely

Approval (budgetholder)

  • The ability to view the complete approval flow for invoices


  • 13 small bugs 🐞 fixed
  • When multiple suppliers are found from the invoice PDF service, these are communicated in an error message
  • Improved handling of large numbers of dimensions (Back-end)
  • Users can now change their invoice type without a request form
    For example, changing your journal code and choosing the booking method (with or without pre-booking) 🌟 Booking method available from Kickstart
  • Invoice matching - The number of purchase lines to match is automatically filled. Previously, this had to be filled manually. Now, only discrepancies need to be manually adjusted.
  • Expanded the maximum length of the booking configuration name
  • Improved saving of invoice data after changing the invoice type
  • Always link a standard invoice type to an invoice


  • Fix for properly handling changing a supervisor
  • Creditor from the credit card period is now linked to the generated invoice 🌟 Add-on
  • Fix for saving a search query in 'Advanced Search' 🌟 From Kickstart
  • Fix for saving a search query with a multi-select filter in 'Advanced Search'  🌟 From Kickstart
  • Transitory booking of ledger accounts was not correctly exported in 'Advanced Search' 🌟 From Kickstart
  • Issues with dialogs and lists resolved
  • Supplier recognition did not account for deleted relationships
  • Credit card period was not approved from Easy1 Invoice 🌟 From Kickstart
  • Invoice could no longer be manually matched if approval was canceled

Coming soon

  • Invoice status correction
  • In exceptional cases, an invoice may get stuck in a status. If this exception occurs, you want it to be quickly and easily resolved. With invoice correction, it is possible for the application administrator to change the invoice status.

  • Additional settings for invoice type
  • VAT Correction
    If suppliers handle VAT rounding differently, small rounding differences can occur. With this functionality, you can easily write off the differences with one click.