Procuration / approval flow

A good workflow is essential for financial administrative processes. Easy1 provides approval requests for the following documents and actions:

  • Expense claims
  • Purchase requests
  • Invoices
  • Payment plans (🌟Premium)

The workflow can be extensively configured, but it requires the appropriate subscription:

The Freemium subscription applies the default "supervisor" workflow. You don't need to do any configuration. In this case, each
person has one approver who is their supervisor. You can specify the supervisor when creating or editing a user in the Administrator-module. The expense claim, purchase request, invoice, or payment plan will be automatically submitted to the respective supervisor for approval.

🌟 Kickstart & Premium
With these subscriptions, you have the option to set up comprehensive approval hierarchies for purchase requests and invoices. This also includes expense claims and payment plans for 🌟Premium subscribers. By default, there is a "safety net" that falls back to the supervisor approval hierarchy.

How do comprehensive approval hierarchies work?

The approval process is initiated per invoice line or request item. This means that one approver can approve multiple invoice lines, and multiple approval workflows can be initiated for a document with multiple lines. In case of overlapping approval hierarchies, the hierarchy with the highest priority takes precedence. If the priorities are the same, we notify that no approval hierarchy can be chosen.

Setting up comprehensive approval hierarchies

  1. Click on "Administrator" from the User Home
  2. Navigate to "Procuration Configuration" in the left sidebar and then click on "Procuration schemes"
  3. At the top of the page, you can choose between purchase and invoices. You will also see that the supervisor fallback is active by default. We recommend keeping it active for any documents that do not fall under any procuration scheme. If you have a specific reason to disable it, you can do so by clicking the gear icon on the right.

  4. Click on "Add scheme line" on the right.

  5. On the left side, enter the criteria that will trigger this approval hierarchy.
    ❗ NoteThe "from amount - to amount" fields also apply to credit invoices: € 0 to € 1,000 can be interpreted as € -1,000 to € 0.

    If there are two overlapping approval hierarchies, specify the priority to determine which workflow should be triggered. Priority 99 is the highest priority.

    ❗ NoteIf both hierarchies have the same priority, no hierarchy will be chosen.

    Example: If you have a general approval hierarchy and a specific one, we recommend giving the specific hierarchy a higher priority. When a document meets the criteria of the specific hierarchy, that hierarchy will be triggered. If the document does not fit any specific hierarchy, you can fall back to the general hierarchy.

  6. On the right side, select the users involved in the approval process.
    Note: Skip by priority is only visible for purchase procuration schemes. Check 'skip by priority' if an approver needs to be skipped when a purchase request is submitted with priority.

  7. Check "any action" if any of the consecutive approvers need to provide their assessment.

    For example, if you check three consecutive individuals under "any action," the document will be sent directly to all three approvers. Once one approver has assessed the document, it will proceed in the approval process.

    In the example above, Tess Murphy has extensive knowledge of purchase request details, and Raymond Bos is responsible for approving the amount. In a priority workflow (🌟 Premium), Tess will be skipped, and the request will go directly to Raymond.

  8. Click "Save" at the bottom right.

The approval hierarchy is now set up!