Payment plan review

🌟From Premium

A payment plan has been created from the contract manager, click here for all related information.

Now, the payment plan needs to be reviewed and potentially supplemented by the finance employee:

  1. Click on 'Finance employee ' module from the User Home.
  2. Navigate to 'payment plans' in the left sidebar.
  3. You will now see all payment plans and their statuses, click on a payment plan with the status 'concept.'

Here you will find the details as drafted by the contract manager.

Review all circled fields by expanding the field with the arrow and fill in any additional information.

If you need to make changes, it's (probably) convenient to do this directly for all payment rules at once. Check the top box for this and make changes directly for all payment rules at once.

After reviewing and adding any necessary information, the payment plan is ready for approval by the budget holder. Click on submit for approval: and the payment plan will automatically be routed to the appropriate budget holder (based on invoice authorization scheme).