New purchase request

If you need any products or services for working purposes, you can request a purchase in our software. The purchase request can be approved or rejected. Upon approval, if indicated, we automatically send the generated request form to the supplier. The requester can always check the status of the request in real-time. This way, you stay informed about your request or order!

How do I submit a purchase request?

  1. Click on 'Employee' in the user home and click on 'Add purchase request' at the top.
  2. The purchase request screen will appear. Fill in all the necessary details here.

    Preferred delivery date: If you are requesting items, you may have a preferred delivery date. You can enter this preference here.

    Priority: Depending on your internal regulations, you can check 'High Priority' here. Freemium and Kickstart subscribers receive a notification for high priority requests.

    🌟 Premium functionality
    Premium subscribers not only receive a priority notification but also benefit from an accelerated request process. This ensures that the purchase request goes directly to the decision-maker without any intermediate stops. It speeds up your purchase request, allowing urgent processes to proceed quickly.

    Contact person: This is the contact person within your organization.

    Shipping address: If you work from home frequently, it may be more convenient to have the items delivered there. If you are mostly at the office, it would be preferable to have the items delivered there. Choose the appropriate address or add a new one here.

    Supplier: The list of suppliers is retrieved from your accounting software. You can modify the email address and language of the order.

    Send order: By default, the order is set to be automatically sent. The order will be sent after the request is approved. Uncheck the box if you want to manually send the order.

Do you have any comments or attachments?
You can add them at the bottom left by clicking on the corresponding icon.

📎 Paperclip - Add attachments
💬 Speech bubbles - Add notes.