Set up differences order- and invoice amount

🌟 From Premium

Set tolerances for automatic matching and increase the level of automation!


  1. Navigate from administrator to Invoice Configuration and then click on Matching Configuration.
  2. Enter an absolute amount and/or a percentage to be considered during automatic matching and/or manual matching and/or line differences.
  3. Click on 'Save' at the bottom right afterwards.

The benefits

  • Time savings
    • By setting tolerances, you no longer waste time on discrepancies that you don't want to spend time on.
  • Increase in automation
    • No manual actions for 'normal' invoices.
  • Error reduction
    • Since the software handles this, there are no errors that can occur with manual actions.


Considering that the purchase request has already been approved in advance by one or more budget holders, the invoice that is already expected and (approximately) within the expected amount no longer needs to be separately approved.

For discrepancies involving small amounts, it is more beneficial if they are automatically written off without requiring a financial employee to review them. However, you may want the financial employee to review invoices automatically matched and booked for higher amounts that still fall within the company's tolerances.

You can configure both scenarios per administration.