Integration Exact Online



The integration with Exact Online works for both Exact Online Netherlands and Exact Online Belgium.

Synchronization occurs every hour on weekdays between 8 am and 6 pm.


The integration operates through a secure connection to and from our ISO 27017 certified cloud environment.

We adhere to the security measures of the linked financial system. By using tokens, our software gains access to your financial system's data for a short period. This eliminates the need for us to store your login credentials, ensuring they cannot be compromised.

All data is stored with double encryption, both in the database and on encrypted hard drives. Even if we were to release the hard drives – which we certainly do not! – the data would remain inaccessible.

We comply with GDPR legislation, with our data stored in multiple locations within the European Union.

Master Data

The following master data is retrieved from Exact Online:

- Suppliers
- Default payment terms
- Payment terms
- Exchange rates
- General ledger accounts
- VAT codes
- Cost centers
- Invoice entry
- Pre-registration
  - Invoices can be pre-booked with payment blocks.  Find detailed instructions here.

The default journal used for the Netherlands is 300, and for Belgium, it is 600. The use of other journals is possible; see the Correct Journal section.

The period in Exact Online is based on the reporting date, which, in turn, refers to the invoice date in Easy1.

Purchase Entries

A direct purchase entry is created in Exact Online.

Invoice Export

Export Feedback

When exporting an invoice, feedback from Exact Online is processed and sent back to Easy1 immediately. This feedback can either confirm a successful booking with a voucher number or report errors in case of a failed booking.

Invoice Image and URL

When booking invoices, both the PDF image and the URL linking to the specific invoice in Easy1 are sent to Exact Online.

Payment Status

The payment status and date are synced from Exact Online to Easy1.