Add a new user

To add a new user, follow these steps:

  1. Open 'Administrator' from the User Home 
  2. Click on 'Users' in the left menu bar.
  3. Click on 'Add User' in the top left corner.
  4. Enter the user information for the new user.
  5. Choose the appropriate supervisor for this user.
    If the user doesn't have a supervisor and should have the authority to approve documents themselves, select this user as their own supervisor. A notification will appear stating that this user is their own supervisor. This is to indicate that this user can review their own submitted documents (if no authorization scheme is present).
  6. Next, under 'Administrations,' click on 'Administration Selection' and check the administrations to which this user should have access.
  7. Select an administration, then check the functions that the user should have within this administration on the right.

    Repeat this step for all administrations.

  8. Everything filled in?

    Then click 'Save and close' in the bottom right corner, or 'Save and add new' to immediately add another new user.