New contract file

Centralize all contracts for a clear and proactive contract management.

How to add a new contract

  1. To add a contract, click on "Contract Manager" from the User Home. 
  2. Then, click on "Add File" in the top left corner.
  3. Add the contract by dragging the file into the window or clicking on the "Browse" button. On the right side of the window, you can enter the file details. 
  4. After adding the file, by clicking on the 'save' button in the bottom right corner, you can add more information.

Contract value
This is the total value of the contract from the start date to the end date.

The list of parties is retrieved from your accounting software. If the correct party is not listed, make sure it has been added to the accounting software. The new data will be available in the software within 24 hours.

Want to add multiple parties?
Add one party first. After adding the contract, you can add multiple parties and contact persons.

Contact person
Enter the contact details of an employee from the party with whom the contract has been made.